New Virtual Offering: A 30+ Day Social Media Detox
Start Your Year By Reclaiming Your Creative Attention — One Day At A Time
In an era where multitasking is often celebrated, The Art of Rest is taking back taking things One Day At A Time….at least for a month1!
As the busy-ness of holiday season starts to come to a close and the new year starts to creep up on the calendar, I’ve naturally been finding myself reflecting. There are a lot of thoughts about what went well, where the dial on my energy tank is currently, and what would I most like to point my energy towards as the last number in 2024 upticks to bring us towards 2025.
For me, my time and attention are the most valuable elements of my life. I understand that time and attention are finite resources and I am always checking in with myself to make sure they are going to the places that matter most to me.
This past week, I created a 30+ Day Program to help me get back to my most fruitful creative attention One Day At A Time to do just that—and I decided that I wanted to share it with you all, too!
If you’re feeling like you also need a little re-set, please join me and a community of others in solidarity.
Why Re-Set Now?
While I’ve never been a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions, I’ve always loved regular check in points for reflection and refining my direction. I often check in with myself at least quarterly with the changing of the major seasons, but the end of the calendar year often feels like a naturally nice space to refocus for the depths of the dark season. This winter season, I’m feeling a huge calling not necessarily to pull away from social media, but more so to plant the seeds of my attention towards my juiciest, most-exciting projects and relationships in 2025.
There are some big, invigorating opportunities coming up in my life in 2025, and I want to show up as presently as I can to engage with them.
Reclaiming Creative Attention
Generally, I give others the advice to focus on what they would like to move towards in their lives rather than focus on what they would like to move away from.
However, because of my background in human behavior research, and general nerdiness around human habit formation, I cannot deny the fact that social media (or other forms of compulsive addictions like Netflix, dating apps, YouTube, etc.) are designed to be addictive and get us to spend as much time on them as humanly possible. As much as I would love to pretend that I am, in fact, a superhuman—the fact of the matter is that I am actually just super human.
I am just as susceptible to doom scrolling on various platforms as the next person, and my poison of choice lately has definitely been saturating my brain with instagram *puke emoji here*. While this course has been designed to focus on detoxing from social media specifically, the same logic and behavior pattern tactics work for any current behavior we have that we might feel curious or excited about changing.
When designing this self-paced, mini-course—I was extremely intentional about not only divesting attention into whatever addictive habits have us feeling a bit distracted from our daily lives, but also to make sure that there was equal or more weight in planting seeds towards habits and behaviors that expand focus, presence, community and creativity.
What the Course Includes
One Day At A Time is:
a self-paced, mini-workshop course that can be done virtually, at any time
targeted towards January 2025, but can be implemented at any 30 day span
priced at a reasonable $25, “can’t hurt, might help price”
One Day At Time includes:
Pre-30 day challenge reflection prompts, and time to set up for whatever habit you’re choosing to pull focus away from
30 full days of daily prompts strategically designed with:
Journaling Questions
Mini-Articles For Reflection and Inspiration
Mini-Articles with psycho-education around habit formation, mindfulness and self compassion, connection, and creativity
Creative Practices to bolster habit reformation
(optional) Post-Course Incorporation Prompts to continue reflecting, incorporating, and integrating your habit shifts for the entire following year after the acute 30-day challenge
A Group Forum feature to connect with others and reflect on your process across the span of the challenge
As per usual, I do the best I can to make psycho-education affordable. While sometimes the overhead of some of my workshops necessitate charging a bit more for space rental, materials, and (obviously) snacks—this workshop was only built off of my own time, which allows it to be super affordable. The entire self-paced course is $252.
While many people are able to access a course at this price, if this is something you’re interested in and still finding it financially out of reach, please feel free to contact me and ask about sponsorship opportunities3.
Course Layout
The course has three modules— Pre-Course, Course, and Post-Course. There will be options to have each prompt sent to your email inbox at the start of each day, or you can log in to check the prompts at your leisure.
Other Reasons to Join One Day At A Time
One Day at A Time will be beta testing some built in, self-paced programming software that will pave the way for future self-led courses at The Art of Rest4. Not only will you be investing in yourself and reorient towards what fuels you the most, but you’ll also be weaving yourself into the future fabric of The Art of Rest. I love building courses and workshops and want them to be useful for you. By participating in an inexpensive beta-test version of some exciting programming coming down the pipeline in the next year, you’ll get more of exactly what you want to see in my work.
Ready to Reclaim Your Creative Attention?
I know I am. Some of my most successful courses are the things that I’m participating in right alongside you. This is no different. If nothing else, you’ll know that I’m right there with you—strugglebussing to alchemize some of my current least favorite behavior patterns into something I’m proud to share.
Join me this January in taking things One Day At A Time.
As always—Thanks for being here.
It’s an honor to pursue a more creative, restful life with you.
Dagny Rose
Welcome to The Art of Rest. A place where we believe if we live our lives creatively—the art will take care of the rest.
This sub-section of The Art of Rest is where we will be regularly announcing and updating about our events, offerings, and opportunities to get involved.
The Art of Rest is a multi-faceted hub of all things art and rest and while you can always head to our website, we will also be regularly posting here about more specific details of how to get involved. Whether it’s about our 1:1 guidance work, our upcoming workshops, opportunities to hang out with us on the farm, or homegrown art supplies, “Events and Offerings” is going to regularly keep you up-to-date on what is going on at The Art of Rest.
I’ve actually constructed this course to be a point of reflection for the entire year of 2025 if you’re into that sort of thing. The bulk of the information and participation is designed to be specifically tarted for the month of January 2025, but technically can be taken at any point in time and give you 30 days of prompts around habit formation with reflections that help you move through an entire year of incorporating your new lifestyle choices.
Cheap enough to buy for you and a friend, wink wink nudge nudge.
Shoot me an email at to inquire. On the flip side, if you’re in a different resource bracket and have the ability to pay extra to fully or partially sponsor a spot for someone with less financial resources, please also feel free to send an email my way!
It’s likely that I’ll be eventually purchasing some schwankier online course platforms at some point but before I can justify the investment, I want to make sure the bones are good. The platform that is built into my website provider is basic, but still gets the important information across in a way that is more streamlined than a daily email.