Missoula Event: Sleep-Health Workshop at OrangeTheory this Saturday
A Q1 Fitness Challenge that Goes from the Bed Up & Other Information on Custom Workshops
A Sleep Health Workshop for OrangeTheory
OrangeTheory is a heart-rate-based interval training fitness franchise that has locations all over the country. While I personally have never had the pleasure of spending time in their gyms, I have had plenty of friends and family members who rave about the experiences they’ve had in their facilities. When the Missoula-based OrangeTheory reached out to me to ask for me to give a presentation on Sleep Health for their Q1 Fitness Challenge, I was so excited to jump on the opportunity.
This coming Saturday from 12:30 PM -1:30 PM, The Art of Rest will be hosting a workshop for OrangeTheory Members that will deep-dive:
what is sleep, really?
why sleep is so important to overall health
how we can set ourselves, and our environments up for quality sleep
and tangible tools to pursue your own unique restful practices in your daily lives
While I love creating custom workshops for all sorts of folx, what I am so excited about for a workshop with OrangeTheory is that much of their workout ethos is based on listening to the body’s cues and objective vitals signs as a way to curiously explore health and stress.
Together in this workshop, we’ll get to explore the nuances of how objective, external measurements and internal experiences and perceptions of sleep and rest can compliment one-another greatly.
If you’re an OrangeTheory member in the Missoula area—I believe this workshop is free for all members who are participating in the Q1 health challenge.
I hope to see you there!
Interested In A Custom Workshop?
One of the parts of my job I love the most is creating custom workshops to help out groups, families, and larger teams of people. Learning a little bit about your community and understanding what unique settings, strengths, and challenges you face towards getting quality rest is something I enjoy co-creatively addressing together. Science-communication is a passion of mine, and here at The Art of Rest, we want that information to be spread as broadly and widely as possible, so that you can live a fully creative life.
If you’re interested in reaching out about a custom workshop or a full-blown work series for you and your team, shoot me an email at dagnyrose@theartofrest.me to inquire about getting started.
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An interesting presentation, thanks